Increase development profits with easy-to-obtain, accurate data.

Solar developers: Do you need quick answers to these questions that aren’t easy for you to find? What are current solar panel costs and solar panel production data? What modules reduce solar tariff risk? How can I evaluate domestic content options easily? 

Anza’s data and analytics subscriptions provide you with instant access to the accurate data you need to know to determine what products to use in your designs and financial models. Our lifetime value analytics help you fully optimize your module selection so that you can ensure you’ve made the most optimal choice that you can easily defend with financiers and project buyers.

Solutions for developers who want to accelerate product due diligence, make faster & better development and investment decisions, and increase project profit.

Anza Essentials & Pro: Solar data & analytics subscriptions

Solutions for developers who need help refining product strategy based on market intel and determining optimal equipment for their projects.

Solar Advisory Services: Our expert team as an extension of yours

Anza Solar Developer Experiences

Maximizing project value through optimized domestic content strategies

A client needed guidance on whether their domestic content strategy was optimal, answering the question if they should design the project as originally specced with domestically sourced PV or potentially pivot. Anza analyzed its database of 155+ modules and 20+ BESS options to customize the optimal solar + storage configuration. Our recommended solution of a domestically sourced BESS with internationally sourced modules minimized CapEx while helping our client gain $20M worth of tax credit value in 2024.

Easily selecting optimal modules for new markets

When entering new regions, Anza’s client needed to understand how specific market conditions – including PPA rate, production estimates, and labor costs – impacted the optimal module selection for their solar development. Utilizing Anza’s one-of-a-kind platform analytics and regional data, our client accelerated their timeline to enter a new market from an average of 6-12 months to only 2-4 months.

Determine what product & production data should go into preliminary designs

From manually collecting solar panel yield data from manufacturers to compiling production estimates based on site conditions, our client was spending up to 4-8 weeks for each project trying to track down sufficient data for their early-stage project decisions. Using Anza’s real-time performance data to help select products and forecast production in preliminary designs, our client reduced their time spent on the initial design phase from months to weeks, optimizing their module selection before they reached final design stages.

Quickly identifying top modules for a project based on lifetime value analytics

A client did not have data and tools accessible to rapidly evaluate profit creation of a specific module in the design of a 97 MW project. By using Anza’s Effective $/Watt metric, analyzing the trade-offs between module price, production, and balance-of-system (BOS) savings, our client was able to compare module choices based on total lifetime value, focusing on the top options and streamlining the decision-making process. Anza enabled our customer to gain 6 cents in project profits by using the Effective $/Watt metric that took into account BOS savings and production benefit.